Hi, my name is Misty and I like tackling problems through systems thinking and human-centered design.


I am a UX Designer & Researcher with over 10 years of Project Management experience within startups, large corporations, social enterprises, and non-profits, 3 years in-house UX Design & Research, and 2 years leading immersive experiences. I believe in digging deep, asking hard questions, listening with my ears and eyes, and advocating for all users every step of the way.


Here is some of my work.


aunt bertha, inc

In-house UX Design & Research centered around connecting those in need with free & reduced costs services.



Design Research & Product Design aimed at giving teenagers a space to be themselves, even if that isn’t always sunny skies & selfies.

Effigy Night shot.jpg


Creative Leadership for immersive installation empowering crew and encouraging community members to participate and remember to play.


Misty, you think so big, but never let the small details slip.
— UX Designer & Developer, Aunt Bertha Inc
You always bring so much thought & compassion to everything you do, every step of the way.
— QA Engineer, Aunt Bertha Inc
You are the client whisperer when it comes to tricky configuration.
— Customer Experience Manager, Aunt Bertha Inc
The Design & Fabrication Team grew up when you & your Co-Lead came on board. It’s not just nailing things to make a thing to burn. You’ve inspired the whole community.
— Community Member Lead, Burning Flipside